How to stop diarrhoea: 5 home remedies for diarrhoea relief 

Woman sitting on her bed with abdominal pain

There’s not much worse than being stuck on the toilet for the majority of the day with diarrhoea. If you’ve experienced diarrhoea in the past or if you have it now, you already know the toll it can take on your body, your bottom and your morale! The good news? There are some home remedies for diarrhoea that can help ease your upset stomach – with all of this effective diarrhoea treatment at home! 

Want to know what to do when you have diarrhoea? With these easy diarrhoea remedies, we’ve got you covered. The next time you or one of your family members is suffering from diarrhoea, fret not. Just try the following tips so that you’ll know how to stop diarrhoea:  

  1. Try a liquid diet.  
  2. Keep it simple with foods.  
  3. Use apple cider vinegar. 
  4. Drink herbal tea.  

Before we dive into each of the diarrhoea remedies, let’s take a look at what causes it in the first place and what the most common symptoms are. Here are some of the common causes of diarrhoea:1

  • A stomach bug 
  • Food poisoning 
  • A food intolerance or food allergy 
  • Side effects of medication 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome 
  • Inflammatory bowel disease  
  • Coeliac disease  
  • Diverticular disease  

As for the symptoms, take a look at some of the most common signs of diarrhoea:2

  • Stomach cramps 
  • Nausea and vomiting  
  • Headache 
  • Loss of appetite  

Keep in mind, if you’re experiencing these symptoms particularly frequently or severely, it’s important that you contact your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Read our advice on different pee types and poo types to find out what your bowel movements say about you. 

Diarrhoea is difficult to deal with. It’s uncomfortable and can leave your body very dehydrated. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help prevent diarrhoea caused by infection in the first place. Here are some tips to help prevent diarrhoea:2 

  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap after going to the bathroom and before coming into contact with food. 
  • Clean your toilet each time after you have diarrhoea.  
  • Avoid sharing towels, utensils, or other things that can harbour bacteria with others.   

Now that you know a bit more about what causes diarrhoea, what the symptoms are, and ways you can prevent it, let’s take a look at methods of diarrhoea relief if you do get it.   

Natural remedies for upset stomach – how to stop diarrhoea 

Take a look at some of the most effective measures to take when it comes to stomach pain and diarrhoea treatment to stop diarrhoea 

  • Stay at home. It’s important to stay home when you’re having diarrhoea, so that you don’t pass any infection to others. Not to mention, it’s not very comfortable being in public when you’re dealing with diarrhoea.  
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Diarrhoea can lead to dehydration, so it’s important to make sure that you keep up with your water intake.  
  • Pay extra close attention to hygiene. It’s really important you don’t pass on any infectious germs to family members. Try these hygiene tips:3
    • Wash your sheets, towels and clothes separately from others. 
    • Use moist toilet tissue to make sure you’re extra clean. 
    • Avoid sharing anything you use for eating and drinking with others. 
    • Wash your hands regularly—and always after using the bathroom. 
    • Wipe down high traffic areas like door handles with an antibacterial cleaner. 
  • Eat when you feel able to. We know that your stomach is going through a lot right now. But nevertheless, it’s important to continue to eat a balanced and varied diet so that your body has enough fuel and nutrients to recover.  
  • Get plenty of rest!  

Tip: Cushelle Quilted toilet roll provides extra comfort when you need it most.

5 Home remedies for diarrhoea 

When it comes to dealing with diarrhoea, people first want to cure their upset stomach. Home remedies can certainly do a lot to help and are worth trying. Now, take a look at some of the best treatment for diarrhoea at home: 

1. Try a liquid diet 

Figuring out what to eat when you have diarrhoea can be tricky. It’s important to try to eat if you can, but if your stomach is still feeling a bit unsettled, a liquid diet may be one of many ways to go with regards to natural remedies for diarrhoea 

Diarrhoea makes your stomach very weak so you have to be careful not to eat anything that could aggravate it. If you don’t think you can stomach solid foods yet, try eating soup or other liquid foods that will keep you hydrated and give you nutrients, without further upsetting your stomach.2

2. Stick to plain foods, like white rice 

Known for its binding effect, boiled white rice can be just what you need when you have an upset stomach. Eat in small portions and don’t add anything to it until you’re starting to feel a little more comfortable. If you’re curious about more tips on what to eat when you have diarrhoea, you can also try other light meals, like potatoes, bananas and boiled vegetables.2 

3. Probiotics

Incorporating probiotics such as yoghurt in your diet can help restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut (including your stomach and intestines), which could in turn relieve symptoms of diarrhoea.6 

Dr Leena Sinha says: “Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can aid in digestion and help reduce the severity and duration of diarrhoea. They work by repopulating the gut with healthy bacteria, which can be especially beneficial after a bout of diarrhoea, which often disrupts the natural balance of the gut microbiome.”

4. Apple cider vinegar remedy for diarrhoea 

Another natural remedy for diarrhoea is to whip up an apple cider vinegar drink. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a dash of honey in a glass of water. Your diarrhoea symptoms should ease thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the ingredients. Drink it 2-3 times a day for best results.4

5. Sip herbal tea 

As we’ve already mentioned, knowing what to drink is just as important as what to eat when you have diarrhoea. In addition to drinking plenty of water and trying the apple cider vinegar mixture, sipping a nice warm herbal tea can help too. Ginger, chamomile and green teas are all good choices, as they can have a calming effect on your stomach.5

So, there you have it: What to do when you have diarrhoea, how to stop diarrhoea and how to achieve diarrhoea relief. Once you know the best treatment for diarrhoea, you’ll be able to take care of yourself and your loved ones when diarrhoea hits, and be free from it in no time. Get lots of rest, be gentle on your tummies, and try these home remedies to get back on your feet in no time.  

Always remember to reach out to your GP or healthcare provider for an exact diagnosis and treatment plan if symptoms persist. 


1 NHS; Diarrhoea and vomiting
2 NHS inform; Diarrhoea 
3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Controlling the Spread of Infections in Evacuation Centers: Disaster Recovery Fact Sheet; Facts for Residents About Diseases that Cause Diarrhea and/or Vomiting  
4 Hlebowicz J, et al. (2007). Effect of apple cider vinegar on delayed gastric emptying in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A pilot study. 
5 Srivastava JK, et al. (2010). Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with a bright future. 
6 NHS; Probiotics

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